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Online Theatre 2021

The Theatreguide.London Reviews

In March 2020 the covid-19 epidemic forced the closure of all British theatres. Some companies adapted by putting archive recordings of past productions online, others by streaming new shows. And there are past productions worth rediscovering online. As things return to normal we continue to review the experience of watching live theatre onscreen.

Most of the shows reviewed here continue to be available online in later years.

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AFLOAT - Sunday's Child. Global warming puts Dublin underwater. August 2021

ALADDIN - US television and YouTube. Cole Porter's last show. September 2021

ALICE IN WONDERLAND Three television versions - US 1954, US 1955 and BBC 1966.  Autumn 2021

THE BELLE'S STRATAGEM - Red Bull Theater. 1780 romantic comedy by Hannah Cowley. February 2021 

BLITHE SPIRIT - US television and YouTube. 1956 broadcast of Noel Coward comedy, starring Coward. Autumn 2021

A BRIEF HISTORY OF EVERYONE WHO DIED - Finborough Theatre. Encountering death at various stages in life. May 2021 

CONSTELLATIONS - Donmar Theatre. Four alternate casts in Nick Payne's play about life's alternative paths. December 2021

CRIPS WITHOUT CONSTRAINTS II - Graeae Theatre.  Five short plays about disabilities. February 2021

THE DAUGHTER - Schaubuhne.de. 2015 film adaptation of Ibsen's Wild Duck. February 2021.

DAYS TO COME - Mint Theater. 1936 Lillian Hellman play about effects of a workers' strike. January 2021

DEATH OF ENGLAND: FACE TO FACE - National Theatre and Sky Arts.  Being a man, black or white, in today's England. November 2021

DISTANCE REMAINING - Assembly, Edinburgh Fringe. Three monologues by Stewart Melton. August 2021

ELIZABETH - YouTube. Hit German musical about 19th-century Austrian Empress. December 2021

EVENING PRIMROSE - US Television and YouTube. 'Lost' Sondheim musical, made for television 1966.  September 2021

THE FATAL WEAKNESS - Mint Theater. 1946 play about a woman's unexpected reaction to her husband's infidelity. June 2021

GOOD GRIEF - PlatformPresents.com A woman's lover and best friend slowly come to terms with her death. February 2021

HIGH TOR - US Television and YouTube. 1956 musical of Maxwell Anderson ghostly romance. Autumn 2021

HINDLE WAKES - Mint Theater. 1912 play about not-particularly-fallen woman. December 2021

JAMES DEAN - US Television and YouTube. Review of several American TV shows of 1953 featuring Dean. Autumn 2021

JEKYLL & HYDE - Broadway Television Network and YouTube. 1997 Broadway musical of the Stevenson split-personality story. December 2021

J'OUVERT - BBC iPlayer. Play set in Notting Hill Carnival. Spring 2021 

JUNE MOON - US television and YouTube. Two TV productions of comedy about songwriters, 1949 and 1973. Autumn 2021

KATIE ROCHE - Mint Theater. 1936 Irish play about village girl's life. February 2021

KING LEAR - New York Shakespeare Festival and YouTube. James Earl Jones in Central park 1974  November 2021

KISS ME PETRUCHIO - New York Shakespeare Festival and YouTube. On- and offstage look at 1978 production of The Taming Of The Shrew  September 2021

LYSISTRATA - Actors Of Dionysus. Aristophanes' bawdy comedy of a sex strike to end a war. March 2021

THE MACBETHS - Citizens Theatre. Shakespeare condensed into two-character psychological drama. June 2021

MARTY - YouTube. American television classic of 1953 about a lonely guy. September 2021

MASKS AND FACES - Finborough Theatre. 19th century comedy about actress. Summer 2021

MUSTARD - Fishamble Theatre. Monologue of woman resorting to self-harming. August 2021 

NO TIME FOR SERGEANTS - YouTube. 1955 US TV military comedy, basis for later stage play and film. September 2021

ONE HAND TIED BEHIND US - Old Vic. Four monologues for women. Spring 2021

OUR DAY OUT - BBC Play Of The Week and YouTube. 1977 drama by Willy Russell about school trip. September 2021

OUR TOWN - YouTube. 1955 American television musical of Thornton Wilder play. April 2021

THE PALE SISTER - BBC iPlayer  Retelling of the Antigone story as a solo show. Spring 2021

PETER PAN - US Television and YouTube. 1950s Broadway musical starring Mary Martin and Cyril Ritchard. January 2021 

A PICTURE OF AUTUMN - Mint Theater. R C Hunter play about leaving the family home. Spring 2021

THE PLAYBOY OF THE WESTERN WORLD - Druid Theatre and Vimeo. 2006 production of J M Synge classic comedy. January 2021

PLAYFIGHT - Finborough Theatre. Tracing friendship of three women from teens to twenties. April 2021

POLICE COPS - Assembly, Edinburgh. Three-man parody of police movies. August 2021

POTTED PANTO - StreamTheatre. Comic mash-up of all Christmas Panto plots. January 2021

ROMEO AND JULIET - Shakespeare's Globe. 2019 Globe production online. March 2021

REBECCA - YouTube. 2012 German production of musical based on moody DuMaurier novel. December 2021

THE ROYALE - Lincoln Center Theater. Drama of black prizefighter challenging white champion, Spring 2021

SADIE - Field Day Theatre and BBC iPlayer. Northern Ireland woman's unreliable memories. April 2021

THE TAMING OF THE SHREW - American Conservatory Theater and YouTube. 1976 production as broadcast on Public Television  November 2021

10 MINUTES TO . . . CALL HOME - Live Theatre. Nine short plays ranging from angry to comic. March 2021

TENNESSEE WILLIAMS UNSCRIPTED - Improv Theatre. Improvised comedy. August 2021

TRACY JONES - Bechdel Group. A party where host and guests all have the same name. Autumn 2021

TWELVE ANGRY MEN - US television and YouTube. The original 1954 television version of classic courtroom drama. September 2021

VANYA AND SONIA AND MASHA AND SPIKE  - Lincoln Center Theater. 2012 Christopher Durang salute to Chekhov, Howdy Doody and the American family. Spring 2021

WALDEN Future-set play seen onstage in London 2021.  Autumn 2021

THE WINTER'S TALE - BBC iPlayer.  Royal Shakespeare Company in tale of jealousy and redemption. Spring 2021

THE WOLVES - Lincoln Center Theater. Teenage girls' soccer team. Summer 2021

YOURS UNFAITHFULLY - Mint Theater. 1933 play about an open marriage. Spring 2021

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Reviews of online theatre 2021